Photo by Houman Auriell



I’m a philosopher, writer and teacher specialized in feminist thinking and history of philosophy. I’m currently a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, where I’m working as principal investigator of the four-year research project Origins of Racializing Thought (2022–2026), funded by the Kone Foundation.

I’m the author of Gender and Sexuality in Stoic Philosophy (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), the first book to examine Stoicism from the point of view of gender. I have published several articles on Ancient philosophy, intersectional feminism and Michel Foucault’s philosophy. I have also published essays, journalistic articles  and literary criticism particularly on philosophical books.

In addition to my philosophical work, I have worked professionally in the fields of dance and arts education in New York City and Helsinki, Finland. These experiences continue to inspire and inform my philosophical work and provide a rich resource for my writing.


My areas of specialization cover history of philosophy, particularly Ancient theories, and philosophical questions concerning gender, sexuality, and racialization, as well as intersectional feminism, critical race theory, and philosophy of education.


My current research scrutinizes the intersections between gender, race, and otherness in Ancient philosophy. I am principal investigator of the four-year research project Origins of Racializing Thought (Rodullistavan ajattelun alkuperä), funded by the Kone Foundation (2022–2026).



I have published particularly on Ancient philosophy and feminist thought. I have also written book reviews and essays on dance and African American culture.

Blog & news


Proud to share the programme for our upcoming conference, organized jointly by The Origins of Racializing Thought -project (U...

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“The Origins of Racialising Thought” research project proudly presents our new critical conversation series “Ra...

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Great publication news: The Routledge Handbook of Women and Ancient Greek Philosophy (edited by Sara Brill and Catherine Mc...

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