This book investigates the Ancient Stoic thinkers’ views on gender and sexuality. A detailed scrutiny of metaphysics, ethics and political philosophy reveals that the Stoic philosophers held an exceptionally equal view of men and women’s rational capacities. In its own time, Stoicism was frequently called ‘ the manly school’ of philosophy, but this volume shows that the Stoics would have also transformed many traditional notions of masculinity. Malin Grahn-Wilder compares the earlier philosophies of Plato and Aristotle to show that the Stoic position often stands out within Ancient philosophy as an exceptionally bold defense of women’s possibilities to achieve the highest form of wisdom and happiness. The work argues that the Stoic metaphysical notion of human being is based on strikingly egalitarian premises, and opens new perspectives to Stoic philosophy on the whole.
”Malin Grahn-Wilder’s Gender and Sexuality in Stoic Philosophy is an excellent book that provides an even better reason to teach the ancient Stoics. Grahn-Wilder has provided a comprehensive, detailed, and clear overview of Stoic views of the body, eros, and sexuality. (…) Gender and Sexuality in Stoic Philosophy is a detailed and well- organized resource for researchers; it’s a clear and concise introduction to ancient Stoicism’s major texts; and it’s a fecund and thought-provoking addition to contemporary conversations.” (Professor David O’Hara, Hypatia Reviews Online, 2021).
“Malin Grahn-Wilder’s Gender and Sexuality in Stoic Philosophy brings together Stoic ideas on gender and sexuality in biology and metaphysics, and relates them brilliantly to their positions on living well and on personal self-presentation. In the course of this we find fresh thoughts about a wide range of Stoic topics such as erotic love, the sage, education and cosmopolitanism. This is a must-read for anyone interested in Stoicism and ancient philosophy, as well as feminism and gender studies.” (Julia Annas, University of Arizona, USA)
“One of Grahn-Wilder’s accomplishments is to follow her chosen thematic not only through various central areas of philosophy, but also within Stoic understanding of the every-day life and human existence, approaching even those with a philosophical mind. She weaves a rich, connected whole from sources both generally recognized as significant, as well as those from the surface more marginal.” (Pauliina Remes, Uppsala University, Sweden)
This is a Finnish language collection of scholarly articles and translations of original texts from the skeptic philosophical tradition, such as Sextus Empiricus and David Hume. It includes my chapters “Onnellisuus vailla uskomuksia – Antiikin skeptisismi tunneterapiana” (Happiness Without Beliefs – Ancient Skepticism as Therapy of Emotions) and ”Johdanto: Alkutaival epäilevän filosofian historiaan” (Introduction: Entering the History of Skeptic Philosophy). Read more here.
”Skeptisismiä voidaan vailla epäilyn häivääkään suositella kenelle tahansa filosofian historiasta ja historiallisesti sofistikoituneesta nykyfilosofiasta kiinnostuneelle. Se on täynnä syvällistä tietoa ja henkevää epäilyä, ennen kaikkea tietoa siitä, miten tietoväitteiden epäiltävyyden haasteisiin on vuosisatojen kuluessa suhtauduttu. Se on epäilemättä painavimpia viime vuosina Suomessa julkaistuja filosofisia teoksia. ” (Prof. Sami Pihlström, Tieteessä tapahtuu 1/2017)
”Skeptisismi – Epäilyn ja etsimisen filosofia on hieno kirja.” (Jyrki Alenius, Suomen Kuvalehti 2/2017)
”Tilausta tällaiselle teokselle on ollut jo pitkään ja antologian kääntäjät ja kirjoittajat Grahn-Wilderin johdolla ovatkin tehneet varsinaisen kulttuuriteon.” (Jan Forsman, Tietoa etsimässä, niin&näin 2/2017)
“Skeptisismi-kirja tulee tarpeeseen.” (Juhani Kahelin, Tiedetoimittaja)
Malin Grahn-Wilder, 2023, “Wives or Philosophers? Hipparchia and the Cynic Criticism of Gendered Economics”, in Women in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Sara Brill & Catharine McKeen (eds.), Routledge.
Malin Grahn-Wilder, 2017, “Roots of Character and Flowers of Virtue – Childhood in Plato’s Republic”, in Childhood in History: Perceptions of Children in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds, Reidar Aasgaard & Cornelia Horn (eds.), Routledge.
Malin Grahn-Wilder, 2016, “Intersektionaalisuus, feministinen filosofia ja ymmärtämisen kehä”, in Sukupuoli ja Filosofia, Kristina Rolin, Olli-Pekka Moisio, Martina Reuter & Miira Tuominen (eds.), SoPhi 131, Jyväskylän Yliopisto, Jyväskylä, (Intersectionality, Feminist Philosophy and the Circle of Understanding)
Malin Grahn-Wilder, 2016, “Sukupuoli Aristoteleen biologiassa”, Tiede & edistys, Tutkijaliitto, Helsinki, 3/2016. (Gender in Aristotle’s biology)
Malin Grahn-Wilder, 2016, ”Johdanto: Alkutaival epäilevän filosofian historiaan” & “Onnellisuus vailla uskomuksia – Antiikin skeptisismi tunneterapiana”, in Skeptisismi – Epäilyn ja etsimisen filosofia, Malin Grahn-Wilder (ed.), Gaudeamus, Helsinki. (Introduction: Entering the History of Skeptic Philosophy & Happiness Without Beliefs –Ancient Skepticism as Therapy of Emotions)
Malin Grahn, 2014, ”Free Philosophers and Tragic Women – Stoic Perspectives on Suicide”, in Culture, Suicide, and the Human Condition, Marja-Liisa Honkasalo ja Miira Tuominen (eds.), Berghahn Books, New York.
Martina Reuter, Malin Grahn & Ilse Paakkinen, 2013, ”Psychology of Gender”, in Sourcebook for the History of the Philosophy of Mind, sarjassa Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind, Vol. 12, Simo Knuuttila ja Juha Sihvola (eds.), Springer.
Johanna Oksala & Malin Grahn, 2013, “Vallan, väkivallan ja sukupuolen filosofiaa: foucault’lainen analyysi”, Johanna Oksalan kanssa, niin&näin, Tampere, 2/2013. (Philosophy of Power, Violence and Gender: A Foucauldian Analysis)
Malin Grahn, 2011, ”Usko, toivo ja rakkaus”, an essay on Juha Sihvola’s Maailmankansalaisen uskonto, Tiede & edistys, Tutkijaliitto, Helsinki, 4/2011. (Faith, hope, and love)
Malin Grahn, 2009, ”Tasa-arvosta Platonin Valtiossa”, Ajatus – Suomen Filosofisen Yhdistyksen Vuosikirja, SFY, Helsinki, 2009. (On Equality in Plato’s Republic)
Malin Grahn, 2009, ”Stoalaisuus”, Ensyklopedia Logos, Toni Kannisto & Sami Syrjämäki (toim), (24.06.2019), (Stoicism)
Malin Grahn, 2007, ”Antiikin askeesi ja itsestä huolehtimisen etiikka”, an essay on Michel Foucault’s Hermeneutics of the Subject, Tiede & edistys, Tutkijaliitto, Helsinki, 1/2007. (Ancient askesis and ethics of the care of the self)
Malin Grahn, 2006, “Stoalaisuus Michel Foucault’n ajattelussa”, Ajatus – Suomen Filosofisen Yhdistyksen Vuosikirja, SFY, Helsinki, 2006. (Stoicism in Michel Foucault’s philosophy)
“Myös minä olen Amerikka”, Kritiikin Uutiset 13.02.2018. (An Essay on the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C.)
”Alvin Aileyn tanssiesityksen vievät pyhän äärelle”, Kritiikin Uutiset, 11.7.2017. (An Essay on Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater’s performances at Lincoln Center, New York City)
”Alvin Ailey’n Cry: Muotokuva ja peili”, Mustekala, 1/2016.(An Essay on Alvin Ailey’s choreography Cry)