Race and Gender through History – Philosophical Conversations

“The Origins of Racialising Thought” research project proudly presents our new critical conversation series “Race and Gender through History – Philosophical Conversations”. We now have four episodes out:

1. Freethinking, Gender, and Colonialism from the Scotch Enlightenment to Eurovision Song Contest, with Dr. Elad Carmel

2. Climate Theories, Tyrants, and Tradwives: The Impact of Aristotle in Renaissance Feminism and Beyond”, with Prof. Marguerite Deslauriers

3. Biopolitics, Eugenics, and State Racism in Ancient Philosophy, with Prof. Mika Ojakangas

4. Marriage, Monsters, and Equality in Early Modern Philosophy, with Dr. Mary Jo MacDonald


Our conversation series was highlighted in the University of Jyväskylä’s science news. The article (in Finish) includes links to the first two episodes. All episodes can be found on our Youtube-channel.

The series is moderated by me and Martina Reuter, and produced by our Origins of Racialising Thought -research project, funded by the Kone Foundation. Video producer and photographer for the series is Houman Auriell.